The GYA553 is a lightweight programmable 6-axis stabilization system (integrated 3-axis MEMS gyro sensor + 3-axis accelerometer) for controlling and stabilizing aircraft models powered by an internal combustion engine and electric engine with the ability to remotely control gain in 3 axes and switch operating modes by means of a transmitter. It allows you to set a number of parameters using the buttons and LEDs on the gyroscope or using the programmerGPB-1 (with the latest software version). It connects to the receiver via the S.BUS2 port; in addition to the PWM outputs for classic servos, it also offers an S.BUS output port with up to 18 channels. The GYA553 supports ailerons, elevator or a pair of servo steers and offers mixers for gliders and butterfly tail surfaces. The activity of the gyroscope is indicated by the LED indicator.
Three working modes (switchable by remote gain control: signal -130% ~ -50% normal mode, -50% ~ + 50% gyro off, + 50% ~ + 130% AVCS mode)
Normal - Classic gyroscope working mode; The gyroscope only suppresses unwanted yaw until it stops motion in the stabilized axis. The gyroscope thus suppresses the undesired yaw, but does not detect that the model on the stabilized axis returns to its original position.
AVCS (Heading Hold) - In AVCS mode, the gyroscope not only stops unwanted movement in the stabilized axis, but is able to return the model to its original direction, making the stabilization of the model much more effective.
Gyro off - Stabilization turned off, only you control the model in a given axis.
Both stabilization modes may have their advantages in different flight modes and styles of piloting; thanks to the possibility of remote switching, you can choose the optimal operating mode with the optimal gain value individually for each flight mode.
Rescue mode (activated by a switch in a special channel)
Turning on the GYA553 rescue mode switch causes the model to be in level flight. Thanks to this, it is possible to get out of a dangerous situation, if, for example, we lose the orientation of the model in space. Of course, rescue has its limits determined by the laws of physics - for example, when pulled at a low height above the ground, it will not help.
Remote profit control
Using the three channels of the RC kit for remote gain control, the gyro gain can be adjusted independently in all three axes by the transmitter. You can have the optimal gyro mode programmed on the transmitter for each flight mode of the model with the optimal gain value for each axis.
Programmable parameters - general settings
Mounting Orientation - Selects the orientation in which the GYA553 is mounted on the model (normal, upside down, left or right position).
Servo type - Selects the type of servos used (for digital servos the output signal has a repetition rate of 285 Hz, for analog servos 70 Hz).
Wing / Tail Type - Normal model, winged model with elevons, model with butterfly tail surfaces. Mixers for elevons or butterfly tails replace mixes on the transmitter that you skip.
SB / R2 port function - Selects the SB / R2 port function; either the PWM signal output for the classic Servo Rudder 2, or the S.BUS output with up to 18 channels (according to the RC kit).
Restore factory defaults
Programmable parameters - settings for individual axes and outputs
Gyro response sense - Determines the sense of the gyro response in the individual axes and outputs (aileron 1, aileron 2, elevator 1 ...).
Neutral Offset - Adjusts the neutral position on each axis and on output. This replaces the subtrime function in the transmitter which should be left at zero. (When using an S.BUS servo, neutral can also be fine-tuned in the servo settings.)
Limit Setting - Sets the servo deflection limit independent of both sides from the center in individual axes and outputs. This ensures that the servo and rudder steering mechanism do not exceed the mechanical limits of the possible range of motion.
Connection to the receiver
The gyroscope is connected to the S.BUS2 serial output of the receiver with a single cable. To get the most out of the GYA553, a minimum of 10-channel RC kit is required. The gyroscope is equipped with PWM channel outputs to connect classic servos (2x ailerons, 2x elevator, 2x rudder - identical installation of paired servos is assumed in the model), while the output for rudder 2 has an optional function - either PWM output for rudder 2 or serial output S.BUS with up to 18 channels (according to the RC kit) for the connection of S.BUS / S.BUS2 servers for channel-controlled channels and for all others.
Compatible servos
The gyroscope can work with analog and digital servos (for 4.8 V and HV up to 8.4 V). The servo type is software selectable (for digital servos the output signal has a repetition rate of 285 Hz, for analog servos 70 Hz).
Firmware upgradeable
If a new version is available, the GYA553 firmware can be updated via the USB interfaceFutabaCIU-3 or CIU-2.
The gyro kit includes:
Technical data: