Linear voltage regulator with an output voltage of 5.3V and a current of 2-3A
Input voltage range from 4 to 9V (at a voltage lower than 5.44V, the output voltage is lower than the input voltage by 0.14V!)
The minimum voltage drop between the input and the output is 0.14V, which means that to achieve 5.3V power supply, voltage with a minimum value of 5.44V must be supplied to the input
The maximum peak current that the regulator can deliver is 10A.
The performance of the controller depends on the difference between the I / O voltages and the load current, it requires a mounting that provides good heat dissipation.
According to the manufacturer's specifications, it allows you to power up to 6 max 8 standard analog servos or 4-5 digital servos while maintaining adequate cooling!