Strong and versatile UHU ALLPLAST plastic adhesive. Transparent and multifunctional, for home use, craft work, repair and model building. Hard but flexible adhesive layer remains clear after drying. Suitable for many types of plastics, such as polystyrene and high-impact types of polystyrene (ABS, SAN, SB, ASA), hard PVC. It also adheres to materials such as wood, paper, cardboard, leather, metals, glass, ceramics. Not suitable for polyamide (PA), acetal resin (POM), polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), silicones (Si), Styropor® and leather used for clothing. Temperature resistant from -30°C to about +90°C. Resistant to water, oils and alcohol. The surfaces to be glued must be clean, dry and degreased. Depending on your specific requirements, apply the adhesive to one or both of the parts to be glued and immediately bond together. Initial bonding strength is achieved after 5-10 minutes. Final strength is reached after 24 hours. High bond strength on plastics is achieved by slightly dissolving the surface of the plastic. For this reason, the glue should only be applied in small amounts to plastics that are not thick. Glue residues and stains can be removed with acetone or nitrocellulose lacquer thinner. It contains volatile, flammable solvents. Therefore, take appropriate safety measures for processing and storage. Store in a tightly closed container in a dry, cool and frost-free place.
*Follow the enclosed instructions