Serwa MKS digital
- Quadrocopterschevron_right
- Helicopterschevron_right
- Aircraft and gliderschevron_right
- Tethered modelschevron_right
- Rocketschevron_right
- Boatschevron_right
- Carschevron_right
RC equipmentchevron_right
- RC apparatuschevron_right
- Receiverschevron_right
- Telemetrychevron_right
- Digital servoschevron_right
- Analog servoschevron_right
Servo parts and accessorieschevron_right
- Servo testers and programmers
- KST parts and accessories
- Hitec parts and accessories
- Futaba parts and accessories
- Savox parts and accessories
- Dualsky parts and accessories
- Kavan parts and accessories - GO
- Tower Pro parts
- JR/GR parts and accessories
- MKS parts and accessories
- Hyperion parts
- Various parts
- RC accessorieschevron_right
- Model lightingchevron_right
- Electronics - other
- Gyroscopes
- PowerBox + others
- Electrical equipmentchevron_right
- Power: Batteries and accessorieschevron_right
- Chargers and accessorieschevron_right
- Cameras, FPV + accessorieschevron_right
- Simulators and accessorieschevron_right
- Rubber driveschevron_right
Electric driveschevron_right
- Electric motorschevron_right
- Speed regulatorschevron_right
- Combo setschevron_right
- Tunnel driveschevron_right
- Propellerschevron_right
- Propeller coverschevron_right
- Hubs
- Gearschevron_right
- Accessories
- Diesel driveschevron_right
- Starter accessorieschevron_right
- Fuels, oils, lubricantschevron_right
Materials and accessories for constructionchevron_right
- EPP and foams - boardschevron_right
- Exotic wood and otherschevron_right
- Veneer
- Balsachevron_right
- Plywoodchevron_right
- Forms, plates, etc ...chevron_right
- Fabrics, mats, sleeves, etc..chevron_right
- Covering materialschevron_right
- Rodschevron_right
- Tubeschevron_right
- Pinschevron_right
- Moldingschevron_right
- Flat barschevron_right
- Brass and copper wire
- Angles - channelschevron_right
- Bowden + sockets
- Snaps and wrists
- Hinges, others
- Aileron and rudder levers
Bolts, nuts - jointschevron_right
- Steel bolts
- Stainless screws
- Aluminum screws
- Plastic screws
- Threaded rods
- Nuts, sockets - steel
- Stainless nuts
- Nuts, sockets - aluminum
- Brass nuts
- Plastic nuts.
- Steel washers
- Stainless steel washers
- Plastic washers.
- Rubber pads
- Screws
- Pins
- Sleeves
- Rings
- Cufflinks
- Tensioners
- Rivets
- Split pins
- Springs
- others
- Pulleys
- Bearings
- Chassischevron_right
- Wheelschevron_right
- Fairings
- Brakes
- Rubber
- Pilots
- On-board instruments
- Neodymium magnetschevron_right
- Pneumatics, hydraulics, etc.chevron_right
- Other
- Resins, adhesives, varnishes, tapeschevron_right
Modeling toolschevron_right
- Measuring
- Setting instruments
- Balancers
- Magnifiers
- Screwdrivers
- Keys
- Pliers - pliers
- Cutting
- Balls and saw blades
- Abrasive ( files, grinding wheels....)
- Electric
- Knives, scissors, chisels ...chevron_right
- Foil irons
- Solderingchevron_right
- Pullers
- Tweezers
- Drills, drillschevron_right
- Dies - taps
- Reamers
- Brushes and brushes
- Varnishing - Airbrushes etc.chevron_right
- Lighting
- Crimping tools for connectors
- others
- Protective
- Modeling plans
- Newspapers, books and filmschevron_right
- Smoke candles, systems, etc.chevron_right
- Boutiquechevron_right
- Toys
- Sale
- Modeling market
A very powerful and fast programmable thin digital microservo with titanium gears mounted on three ball bearings and two needle bearings. With precision gears with minimal backlash and a 10mm high flat housing, the device is particularly suitable for aileron and flap control in gliders (F3B, F3F, F3J, F5J, etc.) and engine models with thin wing/tail profiles. To ensure excellent cooling even under heavy loads, the servo is housed in an aluminum housing with standard feet
A wide range of servo parameters can be programmed using the DSP-1 USB programmer/interface and a PC-based utility program:
- Dead zone: The width of the dead zone determines the amount of change in the control signal pulse width at which the position of the servo output shaft/lever does not change. MKS default setting = 1 µs or 1.1 µs
- Lock: it sets the behavior of the servo when it does not receive a control signal - It maintains the position corresponding to the last received signal / The motor is free, the servo does not maintain any position.
- Max Duty: It limits the maximum power of the servo motor.
- Lower Pulse (minimum pulse width): The lower limit of the control pulse width and the corresponding servo swing value will be limited by this value.
- Neutral: Sets the width of the control pulses in the neutral/center position of the servo.
- Upper pulse (maximum pulse width): The upper limit of the control pulse width and the corresponding servo swing amount will be limited by this value.
- Boost: The power of the motor when starting from a standstill. The higher the value, the more force will start the motor.
- Torque at 6.0 V - 6 kg
- Torque at 7.4 V - 7.6 kg
- Torque at 8.2 V - 8.1 kg
- Speed at 6.0 V - 0.14 s / 60 degrees
- Speed at 7.4 V - 0.11 s / 60 degrees
- Speed at 8.2 V - 0.10 s / 60 degrees
- Control pulse width: 1520 µs
- Repetition rate: 333 Hz
- Ball bearings: x3
- Gear (pinions): metal
- Dimensions (length x width x height): 30 x 10 x 29.8 mm
- Weight: 22.5 g
- Motor type: coreless
*Follow the instruction manual included with the product