A small personal historical review
Weekend with models
Segelfugmesse 2024 - RC sailing fair
Plánek Modelář 94 Jiskra
When the XL was floating on water
UNI-T UT33C+ multimeter
GPS Triangle SportClass 2. Bastion Cup Jaroměř
Resik 2 ERES - a special competition with a universal fuselage
Charybda small light biplane - plan 302
Piper Cherokee electric powered semi-model
Shadow semi-model with EPP Canadair CL-415
23. annual Flying for Joy meeting
Czech championship in racing around pylons
Hot and successful - world championship of model airplanes
Piasecki HRP- 1
de Havilland DH100 Vampire helicopter model
Styrofoam coating with DC Fix films
Making wire brushes and other knowledge from the home workshop
How to measure the altitude of a kite at a competition
Trawler T100 steamship model
Königstigers in southern Bohemia
Traxxas TRX-4 Ford Bronco 2021