PowerBox Source is a logical development of the successful BaseLog , duly taking into account customer requests and the requirements of a modern telemetry system. We were able to reduce the size of the backer by optimizing the design of the heat sink, with the result that the PowerBox Source is now also suitable for small models with high power requirements. This small power package offers huge performance reserves and compares very well even with larger battery power systems.
An optional small O-LED screen can be connected to the unit, which provides a display of all battery data, even when the backer itself is not available on the model. However, the full capabilities of the PowerBox Source can still be utilized even without the screen: a data jack allows the user to access all settings via a smartphone and BlueCom adapter or a laptop or PC via our USB interface .
In particular, Core pilots can control all aspects of the PowerBox Source from the transmitter without any additional accessories.
Reflecting the current state of technology, all battery data can now be sent to the transmitter via the telemetry system. The PowerBox Source can transmit telemetry data to Jeti, Graupner, Multiplex and Futaba transmitters, as well as to the Core telemetry system . Futaba does not require an additional teleconverter.
The PowerBox Source can be set to any of four different output voltages: 5.9 V - 7.4 V - 7.8 V and unregulated; in the latter case, the battery voltage is passed through with minimal loss. MPX inputs and outputs are equipped with mounting clamps/holders that prevent the connectors from slipping out when exposed to strong vibrations.
*Follow the enclosed instruction manual.