Model Indoor


RC Factory
In stock

This Super Extra is our most revolutionary model to date. Designed by Jan Votava and Jan Sedlack in close collaboration, the emphasis is on both flight characteristics and structural rigidity. The airframe is both strong and precise to withstand the violent maneuvers this aircraft is capable of.

Monster ailerons, reinforced for torsional stiffness, allow for unprecedented roll speed. Full stab in flight, not often seen in this indoor category, allows extremely tight loops "around the CG" - or is it rather rollovers? All this makes this aircraft unique and we dare say one of the most attractive we've done so far.

With limited rudder throws, up to about 30 degrees according to the pilot's skill, the aircraft still behaves well and is predictable.

Technical data:

  • span: 865 mm
  • length: 930 mm

Recommended equipment:

  • motor: 2204-2206 / 2300kv
  • speed regulator: 15A
  • servos: 1x14g / 2x8-10g
  • battery: Li-Pol 2S: 300-400 mAh