A kit for building a model of the Marie Jeanne sailing ship in 1:50 scale.
Fishing for tuna is hard work requiring a very strong and fast vessel with excellent sea properties. The MARIE JEANNE cutter is a 50-60-ton vessel with a crew of 12 men. The vessel was equipped with "tango" rods up to 20 meters long. Each one usually carried 7 buckles. Two rods were tied to the stern and a third, very long, to the top of the mainmast. After leaving the French port of Concarneau, Marie Jeanne sailed from 1900 to 1950. Tuna fishing requires strong and fairly fast boats. In the beginning, these ships were built for other tasks and were usually too heavy. At the end of the 19th century, new types of boats were developed: small and with large sails. Advances and the tendency towards motor propulsion contributed to the disappearance of these elegant fishing boats with multi-colored sails.
The kit includes high-quality laser cut elements (frames, slats, stringers) needed to make a wooden hull, a set of brass, aluminum and plastic elements, a rudder, rigging, canvas for sails, construction plan and instructions. It does not contain adhesives or varnish.
Technical data:
More information, simplified plans, instructions, etc. can be found on the manufacturer's website.