Kavan engines


KAVAN Europe
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KAVAN C motors are powerful brushless rotary electric motors ("outrunner") with excellent electrical characteristics, sophisticated design and excellent manufacturing processing. They are a very good choice for flying recreational sport models with excellent performance, good efficiency and favorable price. They are low-speed, high-torque motors that can handle large-diameter propellers and climb without the need for gears.

Comes with: motor with soldered connectors, cross-brace, hub mount, screws


  • Power supply [LiXX]: 2 - 3
  • KV [rpm]: 1400
  • Max. power (30s / 3S LiPo) [W]: 90
  • No-load current (2S) [mA]: 400
  • Max. peak current (30s) [A]: 11
  • Diameter [mm]: 27,8
  • Length [mm]: 23
  • Shaft diameter [mm]: 3,175
  • Weight [g]: 34
  • Number of fields: 14
  • Recommended regulator [A]: 18 - 20
  • Weight of models up to [g]: gliders - 350 / trainers - 350 / acrobats - 300 / 3D - 250
  • recommended propeller ["]: 2S: 8x4" / 3S: 6x4"