Kavan Digital Servers

KAVAN SERWO GO-1081MG DIGITAL / very powerful

KAVAN Europe
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Very powerful and fast 83g programmable digital standard servo with AC (brushless) motor with steel gears and output shaft mounted on three ball bearings for use mainly in large model airplanes, helicopters, 1:8 and 1:10 RC cars etc. For excellent cooling even under heavy load, the servo is housed in an aluminum case.

With the help of a USB programmer/interface for GO servos and a PC operating program, a whole range of servo parameters can be programmed (swing magnitude, neutral bias, overload protection, soft start, fault tolerance, etc.) .

Programmable functions

  • Deflection size: Used to set the maximum deflection size of the servo. The default setting is about 120° at the normal control pulse width range (900~2100 µs); about 180° at the maximum allowed control pulse width range (500~2500 µs).
  • Servo neutral: Used to set the neutral (center) position of the servo.
  • Damping: Sets the characteristics of the servo's behavior when stopping its motion.
  • Output power: Sets the output power of the servo. The higher the value, the faster the servo and it has more thrust - of course, the current consumption will be proportionally higher. Range: 39,2 ~ 100%
  • Sensitivity: Sets the sensitivity (width of the dead zone) of the servo. The higher the value, the narrower the dead zone - the servo moves only if the change in the width of the control signal is greater than the width of the dead zone. A sensitivity value that is set too high can cause the servo to oscillate in some applications. Range: Ultra High (Very high - dead zone about 1 µs) - High (High - about 2 µs) - Medium (Medium - about 3 µs) - Low (Low - about 4 µs)
  • Soft start: Enables/disables the soft start function. This function prevents the servo from suddenly moving to the operating position after power-up and thus reduces the risk of damaging its gears.
  • Reverse swing direction: Reverses the direction of servo deflection.
  • FUTABA SR mode: Only for servo use with FUTABA RC kit channels operating in SR mode. Do not enable this option if you are using another FUTABA RC kit configuration or another brand of RC kit.
  • SANWA SSR mode: Only for servo use with SANWA RC kit channels operating in SSR mode. Do not enable this option if you are using a different setup of a SANWA RC kit or another brand of RC kit.
  • Fail-safe deviation: If the control signal from the receiver is completely lost, or if the servo cannot detect the signal properly (e.g., due to interference), the servo can enter one of three fail-safe modes:
    (a) Free: Fail-safe is disabled.
    (b) Position hold: the servo holds the position corresponding to the last correctly received signal.
    (c) Transition to neutral position: The servo returns to the neutral position (pulse width 1500 µs).
    Overload protection: Enables or disables servo overload protection at three levels - when the overload lasts for a preset time (in seconds), the servo's output is limited to the corresponding preset value (in % of maximum power).
  • Reset: Resets the connected servo to factory default settings.

Extended supply voltage 4.8-7.4V (nominal).

25 tooth/5.92mm hexagonal output shaft.


  • Servo size: Standard
  • Servo type: Digital
  • Programmable: YES
  • Torque/Force at 4.8V [kg/cm]: 28
  • Torque / Force at 6.0 V [kg/cm]: 34
  • Torque / Force at 7.4 V [kg/cm]: 39
  • Torque / Force at 8.4 V [kg/cm]: 45
  • Speed at 4.8 V [s/60°]: 0,14
  • Speed at 6.0 V [s/60°]: 0,115
  • Speed at 7.4 V [s/60°]: 0,11
  • Speed at 8.4 V [s/60°]: 0,085
  • Gear: Metal
  • Ball bearings: 3x
  • High voltage: YES
  • Power supply [V]: 4,8 - 8,4
  • Length [mm]: 40
  • Width [mm]: 20
  • Height [mm]: 37,2
  • Weight [g]: 83
  • Uses: Airplanes, helicopters, road cars, SUVs, sailboats, boats

*Follow the instructions included with the product.