MGPS sensor indicating the GPS position of the model. All feedback data is observed on the Jeti Box's display.
The device is connected directly to a free channel in the receiver or to a Channel Expander (which allows multiple sensors to be connected to a single channel in the receiver). Information about the voltage and current of the measured unit is displayed "live" - remotely, while the model is running, on the Jeti Box screen , thanks to wireless data transmission in the 2.4 GHz band.
Thanks to the innovative use of 2.4 GHz technology, the Duplex system makes it possible not only to transmit information in the direction of the transmitter --> model , but also in the opposite direction, model --> transmitter . The information collected using Jeti's telemetry sensors, is displayed "live", in real time on the LCD display of the JetiBox , connected via a communication cable to the module installed in the transmitter.
Technical data:
For more information, pictures and user manual, visit the manufacturer's website (link in the tab above).
*Follow the instruction manual included with the product.