GYA460 is a 6-axis stabilization system (integrated 3-axis MEMS gyroscope + 3-axis accelerometer) for 3-axis stabilization of electric-powered aircraft models(not suitable for models with internal combustion engines). It offers the ability to switch between 3 modes of operation using a transmitter. Its use requires only minimal configuration and is equipped with an S.BUS input port; it supports ailerons controlled by a pair of servos and is equipped with an aileron mixer. Gyroscope activity is indicated by an LED.
Three modes of operation (switched by an additional RC kit channel with a three-position switch: signal -100%~-50% beginner mode, -30%~+30% gyro off, +50%~+100% GYRO mode )
Beginner mode - this mode is suitable for basic pilot training for beginners. The control of the model is affected by the gyro sensor and accelerometer. The maximum tilt of the model in each axis is limited to about ±80°. If the controls on the transmitter (except the throttle) are returned to the neutral position, the model will automatically return to the horizontal position. The maximum tilt angle is related to the two deflections on the transmitter. E.g., if the dual deflections are set to 50%, the maximum pitch angle will be halved to just ±40°.
GYRO mode - This mode is suitable for aerobatics and back flying. The model is controlled solely by the gyro sensor. Restrictions on maximum tilt and automatic horizontal alignment do not apply.
Gyro Off - Stabilization is off, only you control the model.
Gain control trimmers/gyro response sensing
A trio of trimmers allows you to independently set the gain value for the aileron, elevator and rudder axes; whether the gain is set at the top or bottom half of the trimmer's rotation range, it gives a sense of gyro response.
Settings button
Allows basic configuration of the gyro - select installation direction/orientation of the GYA460, normal or mixed model for automatic climb.
Connecting to a receiver
The gyroscope can be connected to a classic receiver with PWM channel outputs for individual servos (aileron, altitude rudder and directional rudder channels + mode switching channel) or to the serial S.BUS output of the receiver - in this case, a single cable is sufficient .
Compatible servos
The gyroscope can work with both analog and digital servos (for both 4.8V and HV up to 8.4V power supply). The servo type is selected using a trimmer to set the deflection limit.
The gyro kit includes: Gyro GYA460, double-sided foam adhesive tape for attaching the gyro, connecting cables, miniature screwdriver.
Technical specifications:
*Follow the instructions included with the product.