SBC-1 is a simple programmer for setting the channel for S.BUS servos or S.BUS outputs of the SBD-1 decoder. The selection of the S.BUS servo channel (1-16) is done with the rotary switch, the activity of the programmer is indicated by an LED. SBC-1 cannot be used to set the S.BUS2 servo.
SBC-1 can work with a power supply corresponding to the rated voltage of 4.8-6.0 V). After connecting the adjustable S.BUS servo and the power supply, the programmer signals by blinking the LED whether the current channel number stored in the servo's memory corresponds to the channel number selected on the programmer switch or not. Then simply select the desired channel number with the switch and store it in the servo's memory with a long press on the setup button. The channel numbers for the individual S.BUS outputs of the SBD-1 decoder are set in exactly the same way.
Technical data:
*Follow the instructions included with the product.