LANTOR COREMAT XM - looks like a honeycomb, and lays more easily on curves and folds. It can be laminated on a radius equal to its thickness. It is produced in thicknesses of 2,3,4 and 10 mm. It allows saving up to 60% of resin. LANTOR COREMAT is a core mat for hand lamination, which increases the rigidity of the laminate, reduces its weight , reduces labor and resin consumption. This is an original development of the Lantor company from the Netherlands, their introduction to the market 30 years ago completely changed the structure and properties of glass-polyester laminates. The previously very heavy laminates became lighter and stiffer. Lantor Coremat is a non-woven polyester mat filled with gas-filled polymer microspheres. The microspheres are only 20 µm in diameter and are evenly distributed throughout the nonwoven volume. Lantor Coremat mat is produced in several thicknesses and two types. the 1 mm thickness of the mat is replaced by one layer of 450 g/m2 glass mat. The mat is used as a core material, that is, it must always be in the center of the laminate, symmetrically surrounded by layers of glass mat. The proportion of LANTOR COREMAT mat should be 40-60% of the laminate thickness. In the case of thin laminates, the use of Lantor Coremat gives up to double the stiffness of the laminate, while in the case of, for example, a 10mm laminate with a 5mm core of Lantor Coremat mat, the stiffness increases by only 10%, but the weight of the laminate decreases by 2.7kg/m2, the resin consumption decreases by 1.3kg/m2, and it takes less, as many as 4 working operations to make this laminate. Therefore, sales of Lantor Coremat mat are increasing year after year, it is characteristic that after a short period of time, laminate manufacturers cannot imagine further work without COREMAT. The mat is used both for the construction of molds are thus lighter, stiffer, and thanks to the lower resin content can withstand up to twice as many de-moldings. Lantor Coremat can be used literally everywhere: from boats, yachts, car body parts , trucks and buses, to sports equipment, industrial components ....