In the years 1940-1945, Ireland was associated with a series of episodes with the history of the Polish Air Force in the West. But is history not made up of episodes, sometimes even the tiniest ones? Speaking of Ireland, let us remember that these were two countries divided and with different views on participation in World War II. Countries where diplomatic isolation or even political alienation functioned on a par with individual freedom of choice or heroism. On the one hand, we are dealing with Éire (Republic of Ireland), which is not entirely neutral and only seemingly out of the way, and on the other hand, with British-ruled Northern Ireland, with a network of RAF and US Air Force operational airports or Royal Navy bases.
Airplanes with white and red checkers appeared over both of these countries, and dramas with the participation of Polish airmen took place. Traces of them can also be found in them to this day. In the book in your hand, these traces, sometimes almost obliterated, have been poured onto paper.
What was Ireland then for Poles? The same as the distant country on the Vistula River appeared to the inhabitants of "Zielona Wyspa": unknown. What, in turn, united us? Patriotism, love of independence and, unfortunately, tragic fate.
I learned about Polish airmen fighting side by side with Irish and British comrades-in-arms from my parents, as they both served in the RAF during the war. To this day, I remember their words about the great courage and perseverance in the battle of these brave Poles, as well as their loyalty to Great Britain. As my famous uncle, Wing Commander Brendan “Paddy” Finucane, not only a leading Irish fighter ace, but also one of the greatest WWII pilots, fought side by side with some of them, I am glad. that I had the opportunity to meet Mr. Piotr Sikora, co-author of this book. Thanks to it, not only the sacrifice and achievements of Polish aviation during World War II, but also the Polish-Irish brotherhood in arms will not be forgotten.