A twin model to the AD-776B airbrush, differing only in the diameter of the nozzle. Like the twin it is easy to use so it will work well in the hands of a novice artist. The design is quite simple, however, the delicate nozzle and needle can cause minor problems when cleaning. The 0.3 mm nozzle allows painting thin lines and spots as well as medium surfaces.
The paint is mixed with air inside the airbrush. The amount of paint and air is infinitely adjustable. With the dual-function trigger button, you adjust the amount of air (by pressing the button), and the amount of paint sprayed (by pulling the button back). This model lacks rear adjustment of the firing pin stroke. Instead, there is a screw next to the button that allows you to permanently set the minimum amount of paint fed, which makes painting with an airbrush much easier.
The airbrush is fed by vacuum, bottom-up from a metal cup or a large glass container.
Included with the AD-776B airbrush are two reservoirs (metal and glass), a Christmas tree tip for direct plug-in, a key and an airbrush holder.