Mikroguma - very light material made of "blown" rubber, effectively isolating vibrations caused by the operation of the internal combustion engine. It protects the electronic devices of the model, such as receivers, battery packs, lighting systems, power boxes, etc. against damage (by reducing vibrations).
Microguma is made on the basis of EPDM rubber (betylene-propylene rubber). The operating temperature range is from (-40 ° C) to +95 ° C, water absorption 2%, maximum density 120-140 kg / m3. The microgum board is made of small closed cells. This structure provides insulation against vibrations, moisture, air, grease and dust.
Micro-rubber, otherwise foamed rubber, is a material that is extremely resistant to deformation. Thanks to its properties, it is widely used. It is used in construction, food industry, refrigeration, printing and many other fields of the economy as an excellent insulation, sealing, anti-slip, vibration and noise damping and shock-absorbing material. Microporous rubber is resistant to heat aging, UV rays, low and high temperatures, moisture and chemicals.