- Quadrocopterschevron_right
- Helicopterschevron_right
- Aircraft and gliderschevron_right
- Tethered modelschevron_right
- Rocketschevron_right
- Boatschevron_right
- Carschevron_right
RC equipmentchevron_right
- RC apparatuschevron_right
- Receiverschevron_right
- Telemetrychevron_right
- Digital servoschevron_right
- Analog servoschevron_right
Servo parts and accessorieschevron_right
- Servo testers and programmers
- KST parts and accessories
- Hitec parts and accessories
- Futaba parts and accessories
- Savox parts and accessories
- Dualsky parts and accessories
- Kavan parts and accessories - GO
- Tower Pro parts
- JR/GR parts and accessories
- MKS parts and accessories
- Hyperion parts
- Various parts
- RC accessorieschevron_right
- Model lightingchevron_right
- Electronics - other
- Gyroscopes
- PowerBox + others
- Electrical equipmentchevron_right
- Power: Batteries and accessorieschevron_right
- Chargers and accessorieschevron_right
- Cameras, FPV + accessorieschevron_right
- Simulators and accessorieschevron_right
- Rubber driveschevron_right
Electric driveschevron_right
- Electric motorschevron_right
- Speed regulatorschevron_right
- Combo setschevron_right
- Tunnel driveschevron_right
- Propellerschevron_right
- Propeller coverschevron_right
- Hubs
- Gearschevron_right
- Accessories
- Diesel driveschevron_right
- Starter accessorieschevron_right
- Fuels, oils, lubricantschevron_right
Materials and accessories for constructionchevron_right
- EPP and foams - boardschevron_right
- Exotic wood and otherschevron_right
- Veneer
- Balsachevron_right
- Plywoodchevron_right
- Forms, plates, etc ...chevron_right
- Fabrics, mats, sleeves, etc..chevron_right
- Covering materialschevron_right
- Rodschevron_right
- Tubeschevron_right
- Pinschevron_right
- Moldingschevron_right
- Flat barschevron_right
- Brass and copper wire
- Angles - channelschevron_right
- Bowden + sockets
- Snaps and wrists
- Hinges, others
- Aileron and rudder levers
Bolts, nuts - jointschevron_right
- Steel bolts
- Stainless screws
- Aluminum screws
- Plastic screws
- Threaded rods
- Nuts, sockets - steel
- Stainless nuts
- Nuts, sockets - aluminum
- Brass nuts
- Plastic nuts.
- Steel washers
- Stainless steel washers
- Plastic washers.
- Rubber pads
- Screws
- Pins
- Sleeves
- Rings
- Cufflinks
- Tensioners
- Rivets
- Split pins
- Springs
- others
- Pulleys
- Bearings
- Chassischevron_right
- Wheelschevron_right
- Fairings
- Brakes
- Rubber
- Pilots
- On-board instruments
- Neodymium magnetschevron_right
- Pneumatics, hydraulics, etc.chevron_right
- Other
- Resins, adhesives, varnishes, tapeschevron_right
Modeling toolschevron_right
- Measuring
- Setting instruments
- Balancers
- Magnifiers
- Screwdrivers
- Keys
- Pliers - pliers
- Cutting
- Balls and saw blades
- Abrasive ( files, grinding wheels....)
- Electric
- Knives, scissors, chisels ...chevron_right
- Foil irons
- Solderingchevron_right
- Pullers
- Tweezers
- Drills, drillschevron_right
- Dies - taps
- Reamers
- Brushes and brushes
- Varnishing - Airbrushes etc.chevron_right
- Lighting
- Crimping tools for connectors
- others
- Protective
- Modeling plans
- Newspapers, books and filmschevron_right
- Smoke candles, systems, etc.chevron_right
- Boutiquechevron_right
- Toys
- Sale
- Modeling market
SLS Lipo batteries are batteries created for demanding users. Durability, high charging and discharging current, excellent weight-to-performance ratio and good price put them among the most reliable lithium-polymer batteries.
- voltage: 11,1V
- nominal capacity: 2200mAh
- max. continuous discharge current: 66A (30C)
- max. instantaneous discharge current: 132A (60C)
- typical charging current: 2.2A (1C)
- permissible charging current: 8.8A (4C)
- pack weight including cables and high-current connector: 194g
- dimensions DxSxW: 107x34x24mm
- output to balancer: XH
- high-current silicone cables: AWG 12
- high-current connector: XT60
- length of power cables: 10cm
Safe use of LiPo batteries:
Improper handling of lithium-polymer batteries can lead to explosion, cause fire, and toxic gas poisoning. Since we cannot directly control the correct handling of LiPo batteries, we do not assume any responsibility for any resulting damage.
Always charge batteries in a fireproof container so that if the battery catches fire, it will not lead to the spread of fire. Use batteries only for remote control of model airplanes, ships and motor vehicles. Always store batteries in a dry and dark place at room temperature. Never expose them to direct sunlight or high temperatures. Keep LiPo batteries away from children and unauthorized persons.
Use only chargers suitable for charging lithium-polymer batteries.
In the charging process, it is recommended to use a balancer, which monitors the voltage on each cell and equalizes the voltage across the pack. The balancer protects individual cells from harmful overcharging and undercharging. Even a small overcharge (max voltage 4.2V /1 cell) can lead to their damage.
Always supervise the charging process.
Always observe the information printed on each battery, including the number of cells , the allowable continuous and instantaneous discharge current (e.g.30C/60C), the allowable charging current (SLS batteries up to 4C).
Never discharge batteries under load below 3.3V per cell, and without load below 3.75V per cell.
NOTE: SLS batteries, due to their high efficiency, maintain a stable, high voltage level until the end of capacity
If the LiPo is not used for a long time, do not store it - IN ANY CASE - fully charged, but around 3.8V per cell.
*Follow the instructions included with the product.